Fri, 4/03/2020 - 7:46am

With SRJC moving instruction online on March 30th, some international students have traveled back home to be with their families and complete their online course requirements from abroad. This means that you may have students taking your class from other countries. Below are a few thoughts complied from international students to help you prepare for online instruction:

  1. International students who went home would rather be in your class. Their families, governments, or sponsors are recalling them. They are experiencing culture shock and returning to a home very different than the one they left. For many, it is a dream cut short. 
  2. They may be in forced home or governmental quarantine for a period of time where they may not have access to internet.
  3. They may be joining course / advising appointments in the middle of the night their time where they may share a room with family who are sleeping. Consider making assessments available for a 24 hour period of time.
  4. If the mode of instruction will increase spontaneous written response in online discussion, they may be writing with an accent without the opportunity to check their own writing. As we typically allow people to speak with an accent, consider that in spontaneous writing.
  5. Some websites are not readily available in China but may be accessed through VPN, such as Google products, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. WeChat works. We have recommended that students notify you about any concerns and technology limitations to help you in your planning.
  6. The students are anxious. There is a lot of pressure on them to do well. We continuously remind them to reach out to you to talk about their concerns and limitations.

The International Student Program (ISP) at SRJC is in constant communication with our international students, providing COVID-19 FAQs and Online Advising Services on our website, sending regular email updates, and offering a weekly check-in group meeting via Zoom. We welcome your recommendations to further support our students and your departments during this time. We are all in this together!

If you have any questions, please contact Becky Petrow, International Student Advisor at These recommendations are credited to Jodi Simek and the Global Ambassadors at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.